πŸ’°Tokenomics & Allocation

Token Allocation:

The distribution of the token supply ($SCARY) is structured across various allocations:

Token Supply: 100Billions $SCARY

  1. Team and Development - 10%: Allocate 10 Billion coins (10% of the total supply) to the core team and developers behind $SCARY. This allocation recognizes their efforts and incentivizes ongoing development and project growth. The creators of $SCARY have renounced their mint authority, ensuring that the token supply remains fixed, fostering scarcity, and enhancing its value over time.

  2. Community and Marketing - 5%: Allocate 5 Billion coins (5% of the total supply) towards building and nurturing a strong community around $SCARY. These funds will be used for marketing initiatives, community engagement, and fostering partnerships to raise awareness about the project. By implementing mechanisms like liquidity token burning, $SCARY aims to create a balanced and vibrant ecosystem that rewards participants and ensures long-term growth.

  3. Liquidity Pool - 75%: Allocate 75 Billion coins (75% of the total supply) to establish a liquidity pool for $SCARY. This allocation ensures there is sufficient liquidity for traders and investors to buy and sell $SCARY coins on exchanges. The token-burning mechanism will help maintain a balanced and sustainable ecosystem.

  4. Reserve Fund - 5%: Allocate 5 Billion coins (5% of the total supply) to a reserve fund. This fund can be used for future development, strategic partnerships, and unforeseen expenses, ensuring the long-term sustainability and growth of $SCARY. The fixed token supply helps foster scarcity and maintain the value of $SCARY in the ecosystem.

  5. Airdrops and Rewards - 5%: Allocate 5 Billion coins (5% of the total supply) for airdrops and rewards. This allocation allows for the distribution of $SCARY coins as incentives to early adopters, loyal community members, and various engagement programs. These mechanisms encourage active participation and support the growth and vitality of the $SCARY ecosystem.

By implementing these allocation strategies and mechanisms like liquidity token burning, $SCARY aims to create a balanced and thriving ecosystem that rewards participants, maintains scarcity, and ensures the long-term growth and value of the token.

Last updated